Hija de Nada

Hija de Nada (Spanish for Daughter of Nothing) is a tongue-in-cheek play on a Spanish language insult. It is a name that captures my rebellious tendencies, humble roots, and sense of humor. It represents both who I am and the spirit of my work.

Who is Hija de Nada?

My name is Kari Alvarado Hoff. My background is in oil painting and literature, however life and career decisions ultimately led me to work in the apparel industry. In 2017, after deciding I wanted to step away from mainstream apparel production, I left my position in design development for a hands-on exploration into alternative production methods. I was fortunate to meet, study and collaborate with people who helped to shape the way I would approach my work in the future.

Prior to 2017, my art practice and work in apparel had been kept separate. Through Hija de Nada (est. 2019) a space was created where this was no longer necessary. Using classic methods of construction, natural fibers, and a one-at-a-time approach, I began to make headwear, clothing and accessories from the perspective of an artist. 

Materials and process

I choose materials that have an inherent connection to the place and time of their origin or use. Natural fibers I knit, or work with in felted form, are affected by rainfall, temperature and humidity, and the properties of each batch are inimitable. They reflect the aesthetic beauty of their source and allow me to recreate textures and colors that are intimately connected to landscape, history and function, primary sources of inspiration for me. Many of the notions I use as details on hats and accessories are collected during periods of exploration or travel. They are things I find as I walk, dig through boxes at a brocki, are gifted from others who make and collect, and are rarely found in duplicate. 

Hija and hijas make everything

HdN is a one-person operation and I make pieces one at a time, in-house/in-studio or at the shared studio of collaborating artists. For projects that call for a joint effort, I work together with a small handful of friends that are makers and artists themselves.

Meant to be used 

Owing to my creative process, I consider the pieces I make to be art first, clothing second. However, everything is made with the intention of being worn from trail to table. Hija de Nada is meant to be lived in and take on a shape of its own as it becomes part of the wearer's personal landscape.

Let your things change with scrapes, stains, and dust, marks made by your life and celebrations. As years pass, your hat or sweater will become a collection of memories, something you can look at to recall people, places, and adventures had.

Stay awake, curious, and unafraid. 


Hija de Nada