NBC's "Chicago Today" with Courtney Hall and Matthew Rodrigues

November 2, 2022— NBC's "Chicago Today" with Courtney Hall and Matthew Rodrigues featured Hija de Nada felted wool and woven Panama hats as part of a segment highlighting local businesses to shop this holiday season. It was a privilege to appear alongside so many great Chicago artisans. Courtney even wore an HdN wide-brim Panama hat I call the "HdN Vinnie" (made of handwoven toquilla straw in a woven herringbone pattern) throughout the show! Panama hats are the ultimate summer accessory and a staple of any comprehensive resort collection. For more about Courtney and a guide to the holidays in Chicago, visit NBC Chicago 
NBC's "Chicago Today" features an Hija de Nada hard felt wool hat in a classic western styles in a light, sandy brown color
NBC's Courtney Hall wears an Hija de Nada Panama hat on a segment of "Chicago Today". The hat features a herringbone weave of toquilla straw in a natural yellow and warm brown colors.